Decolonialismo e identidad cultural en América Latina: Herencia Bio-Psico-Social




Since the arrival of colonialism in America, it aimed to impose a new identity on the native inhabitants, a fact that affected all areas of life of the indigenous peoples. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the system of relationships developed in this struggle of the native peoples maintains a legacy that continues to influence the cultural identity of the Latin American peoples to this day. This is a documentary-type study, taking as an example the existence in Venezuela of a Psychopathic load, as a possible result of that inheritance imposed since colonial times. The theoretical review of several authors makes reference to this inherited psychopathic burden, which is expressed in events such as: homicides and other types of violence, in addition to some problems evident in daily social life. The results of the shared documentary analysis assume that this load of aggressiveness could have been inherited from conflicts generated from the first Spanish conquerors. However, other authors point out that the wars of independence broke with the continuity of our Identity. Finally, we reflect on initiating a change of attitude from the colonial/modernity relationship and strengthening the attitude towards the decolonial, which warrants abandoning and moving away from that social catastrophe that delves into non-human behavior and precisely taking a turn towards restoration of the subjective and material human nature.


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2024-03-14 — Updated on 2023-12-30

How to Cite

Sequera Roa, F. M. (2023). Decolonialismo e identidad cultural en América Latina: Herencia Bio-Psico-Social. E-Revista Multidisciplinaria Del Saber, 1, e-RMS01222023.



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