Experiential marketing for the promotion of the San Vicente-Sucre community
This investigation focuses on the implementation of experiential marketing for the promotion of the San Vicente-Sucre Commonwealth, located in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. The region has a rich cultural heritage, a notable historical heritage and an impressive natural diversity, factors that offer great tourism potential. The main objective is to use experiential marketing strategies to enhance the economic and social development of the community by creating memorable and authentic experiences for tourists. To evaluate the effectiveness of experiential marketing, a structured survey was conducted consisting of five multiple-choice questions, using a 5-point Likert scale. The statistical software SPSS v.25 was used to verify the reliability of the instrument and carry out correlational studies between different variables, this being 0.962 Cronbach's Alpha. The analyzed sample is composed of an equal gender distribution (52.5% male and 47.5% female) and a variety of age groups, which allows experiential marketing strategies to be adapted to various demographic segments. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the residence and occupation of the participants, highlighting the predominance of agriculture as the most common occupation (40.0%). Strategies should focus on highlighting local agricultural production, as well as creating cultural and educational experiences for students and homemakers. The integration of modern technologies and promotion on social networks are essential to increase visibility and attract more tourists to the commonwealth.
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